Open call for guest curators!
Extended deadline: August 20, 2023


Thank you for applying to our first open call for guest curators!


Wobby is seeking artist collectives (duos or groups of visual makers) and social field organisations interested in co-curating a Wobby magazine!

Wobby stands for absurdist illustration, comic, and drawing art. We believe in autonomous artistic experiment, but also in the strong emancipatory and critical potential that these forms of expression can have.

Proposals can, for example, aim at a sharply, thematically focused issue or take a more artistic or community-oriented approach. 

The selected curators will be awarded an appropriate fee. 

Interested in applying? We kindly ask interested groups to provide the following:

  • A link to an online visual portfolio and/or website

  • A link to your Instagram account

  • A group/artist statement describing yourselves

  • A provisional theme with a description (indicative)

  • A provisional artist list (indicative) featuring 3-5 artists

Please note that the theme and artist list are non-binding. We consider them as a starting point for our conversation with you. In the selection process, we will take into account the quality of your organisation/group, as well as your provisional plans. 

Image: Marco Quadri for Wobby #31 – Good Job👍