Photo: Imara Angulo Vidal
WObbyaanland — EXhibitION LOCHAL TILBURG 2019
Kunstloc Brabant invited Wobby.club for the first exposition in the new LocHal in Tilburg: Wobbyaanland. This exposition curated by Wobby.club contains work fitting our view: quirky, raw edged art with absurdist elements. Each one of the 10 artists have been featured in our magazine Wobby. The work in this exposition was partly existing, partly made especially for this occasion, including a mural by Wayne Horse and an installation by Jip Piet.
Wayne Horse, Laurent Impeduglia, Esmay Groot Koerkamp, Jeroen de Leijer, Jip Piet, Koen Taselaar, Nina van de Ven, Dick Verdult, Stephan de Weert aka Steppie Lloyd Trumpstein, Marthe Zink
Photos: Imara Angulo Vidal