On March 27 2021, we hosted our third tv show: WOBBY.CLUB TV #3 - The Cleanout
We’re back on your screen with the third edition of WOBBY.CLUB TV: ‘The Cleanout’. Live from our own studio in NS16 Tilburg, The Netherlands, The World, The Universe. Our hosts Ian Skirvin and Nastia Cistakova will make you feel at home.
Videos by Collectief Het IJ (NL), Nastia Cistakova (NL), Pien Kars (NL)
Interviews by Ian Skirvin (US/NL) with artist Susanna Inglada (ES/NL) and Herman van den Muijsenberg (NL) with illustrator Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva (RU/NL)
A live encounter with illustrator Nick Liefhebber (NL) who made the centerfold for Wobby #25 - The Cleanout
Table exhibition with work by Katrein Breukers (NL)
Visuals from our own Gif King Bobbi Oskam and an animated Wobby commercial by Frans Roets
Technical guru, editing and additional sound/music: Hans Timmermans
Wobby.club TV Team : Marjolein Schalk, Nastia Cistakova, Bobbi Oskam, Ian Skirvin