StripGrafiekPrijs award!

Wobby won the 3rd prize of the StripGrafiekPrijs at the KunstStripBeurs in Utrecht!!
Handed out by one of the jury members Blexbolex! The other 2 members were artists Dave Cooper and Joost Swarte, who designed the award.
Blexbolex made an original drawing, based on the cover of Wobby #4 by Marjolein Schalk.
Wobby #4 guest Anne Stalinski won the first prize!

A prize hosted by Griffioen Grafiek.

We're very honored, thanks a lot jury!

On the left Marjolein Schalk, co-founder of Wobby and on the right first prize winner Anne Stalinski, Wobby #4 guest.

On the left Marjolein Schalk, co-founder of Wobby and on the right first prize winner Anne Stalinski, Wobby #4 guest.

Blexbolex drawing the StripGrafiek award for based on the Wobby #4 cover.

Blexbolex drawing the StripGrafiek award for based on the Wobby #4 cover.

The award, designed by Joost Swarte, with an original drawing by Blexbolex based on the cover by Marjolein Schalk.

The award, designed by Joost Swarte, with an original drawing by Blexbolex based on the cover by Marjolein Schalk.