Order Wobby #10 now!

After a spectacular launch of Wobby #10 and shipping to Wobby.club members, you can now order yourself a copy of this holiday issue of Wobby! Put your sunglasses on: cover by Davide Bart. Salvemini.

>>>>>>>>> Order your copy here <<<<<<<<<

The theme of this issue is ‘Assistenza Stradale’: Italian for road assistence. Because not every holiday trip is a successful one.
Wobby #10 features unique work by a talented bunch of artists:

Twan van Bragt, BURNBJOERN, Jeroen Funke, Nick Liefhebber, Davide Bart. Salvemini, Jip van den Toorn, Andrew Tseng & Daan Heerma Van Voss

>>>>>>>>> Order your copy here <<<<<<<<<

Wobby #10 Launch

Last week we launched Wobby #10 with the Gladiatori del Arte presented by Twan van Bragt, a Kenjezelf Kit interview by Jeroen de Leijer with Nick Liefhebber and Jip van den Toorn and a spectacular and hilarious competition of the Gladiatori del Arte.
And of course beer.

Thanks sweet gladiators and visitors. It was so much fun 👯🍻🏆🎉

Marché Hoezee Breda 18 juni

Zondag 18 juni is Wobby.club te vinden in Breda tijdens de eerste editie van Marché Hoezee in Breda.

  • Marché Hoezee is een kleinschalige kramerij, een creatieve en bijzondere markt, met prachtige producten. Een plek om te blijven hangen met een drankje of wat lekkers. Een heerlijke plek om samen te komen. Marché Hoezee is niet 'gewoon een markt', maar een markt mét! Met aandacht, met humor, met inhoud en met een randprogrammering. Oren en ogen krijgen de kost en er valt altijd wat te leren. Bij Marché Hoezee wordt kennis gedeeld. Ambacht staat namelijk hoog in het vaandel.
  • www.marchehoezee.nl
  •  Locatie: Midden in de binnenstad van Breda, op slechts 100 meter van de Grote Markt vind je het binnenplein van Nieuwe Veste, met entree aan de St Janstraat.
  •  Zondag 18 juni, 11-17 uur 

Les Voizines Gent

Wobby.club will be present on Sunday April 8th for the second time at the cosy Zine Happening Les Voizines in Gent, organized by neighbours Valentine Gallardo (guest of Wobby #7) and Gerlin Heestermans.

Wobby.club will be joined by Jip Piet and Alexandra Martens (Wobby guests of #3 and #7).

The third installment of our Zine Happening!
This time even more FREE AND FUN, FUN FOR FREE
- workshops on bookbinding & stereotypes in comics
- the cosiest zine fair around
- the yummiest vegan cakes by Madam Bakster, the guiltfree bakery
- the hottest vegan dogs by us (with sausages by Vedge)
- fairtrade drinks
- book launch + expo "Manet's Diner" by Jana Vasiljević (http://artinjars.tumblr.com/) x Vite*
- after party*
Poster by Valentine Gallardo

Poster by Valentine Gallardo

Article in &nbsp;Subbacultcha Belgium

Article in  Subbacultcha Belgium

This Art Fair 

Wobby.club is represented by Luycks Gallery at This Art Fair in the beautiful Beurs van Berlage Amsterdam, booth G13.
Until Friday December 30.
A Wobby.club show full of paintings, drawings, prints and objects by Wobby.club founders Jeroen de Leijer, Marjolein Schalk and S.L. Trumpstein.

This Art Fair

Booth G13

Beurs van Berlage

Damrak 243 Amsterdam

Opening hours:

27/12: 18:00 - 22:00
28/12/ – 30/12: 13:00 - 22:00 

Work by Jeroen de Leijer

Work by Jeroen de Leijer

Work by Marjolein Schalk

Work by Marjolein Schalk

Work by S.L. Trumpstein

Work by S.L. Trumpstein

Live Drawing at Oktober Dansmaand

We had a great work weekend 👯✏️👯
This is the result of a night of live drawing, added with a nice bunch of people who came to our corner and a few beers. Made during the opening of Oktober Dansmaand at Theaters Tilburg.
Thanks T.r.a.s.h. for a great night! 👯✏👯️🖍👯🍺

With work by Wobby.club founders Jeroen de Leijer, Marjolein Schalk and SL Trumpstein.