On 15 June, a new VVV-information center called ‘Info in Tilburg’ has opened at the central train station in Tilburg. Besides the latest Wobby issues, we will also be selling multiple new art prints here by Ema Vaneková, Marit Biemans, Jesse Fischer, and Fedrik Vaessen at this location, printed exclusively for this store!
Read MoreWobby Workshop X De Nachtzuster X RAAM MAAR Drawing Sessions
On September 17, the nomadic drawing initiative Raam Maar is coming to Tilburg for a special edition of their Raam Maar Drawing Sessions in collaboration with De Nachtzuster and Wobbyclub 🎨
Read MoreWobby.club exhibition at Museum De Pont Tilburg - August 18
We’re thrilled to be able to put together an exhibition at Museum De Pont in hometown Tilburg: ‘Outbreak’. Our ‘insert’ is part of the exhibition ‘De route wordt opnieuw berekend’.
Read MoreDraw The Line - Kunstpodium T Tilburg
In this exhibition we show sketches and sketchbooks from talented artists, as well as artworks that result from these sketches.
Read MoreLaunch Wobby #18 'The Big Blank'
The new Wobby will be launched during De Roze Sokkel #3 exhibition at our studio complex NS16 on July 11. With amongst others: Katrein Breukers and Jelmer Konjo, both part of Wobby #18. There'll also be music, beer, snacks, pools and ice cream.
Read MoreWobby Wonderland 2 2019 aftermovie
In February we organised the zine fest Wobby Wonderland, to mark the end of the exposition Wobbyaanland. Talented artists were invited by Wobby.club to sell their self-published zines, prints, magazines, books and other designed merchandise in small editions.
Read MoreFoto: Imara Angulo Vidal
Visit Wobbyaanland in LocHal Tilburg
Kunstloc Brabant invited Wobby.club for the first exposition in the new LocHal in Tilburg: Wobbyaanland. This exposition curated by Wobby.club contains work fitting our view: quirky, raw edged art with absurdist elements. Each one of the 10 artists have been featured in our magazine Wobby.
Read MoreLaunch Wobby #14
Wobby #14 was launched last Friday in NS16 Tilburg. Here are some highlights.
The fourteenth issue of Wobby will be launched on Friday 29 June at 20:00 during 'Wobby Labyrinth' in NS16 in Tilburg.
Read MoreWobby's New Year's Deception
WOBBY.club will help you make it through 2018
Wobby.club is hosting a New Year's Deception to start the new year. The day before *Blue Monday you can prepare yourself at Wobby's New Year's Deception in NS16 Tilburg for things to come.
*the most depressing day of the year
Raise your glass with us to 2018, half full or half empty, that doesn’t matter.
- Puppet show diva Eefje Wentelteefje looks back on 2017
- Motivational coach Rens Tomala will help you get the new year started
- Jeroen de Leijer will have a Kenjezelf Kit talk with illustrator Floor Rieder who made work for Wobby # 12
- Listen to stories from the Anekdote Jukebox and watch movies by Leonard Bedaux
- Be part of the gesammtkunstwerk of artist Piet Vlekkie
- Juliet Gagnon will recite the story she wrote for Wobby #12
- Become a Wobby.club member and receive a free Wobby totebag!
- Wobby.club members can swap their Wobby Points for Risograph printed products
- And much more
Cover Wobby #12 by John Broadley
Work by Floor Rieder
Story by Juliet Gagnon, illustrated by Jeroen de Leijer
Kenjezelf Kit cards by Jeroen de Leijer
Interview Indebuurt
Here's an interview about Wobby.club with one of the founders Marjolein Schalk, published at the site about Tilburg indebuurt. (Dutch only)
Wobby #10 Launch
Last week we launched Wobby #10 with the Gladiatori del Arte presented by Twan van Bragt, a Kenjezelf Kit interview by Jeroen de Leijer with Nick Liefhebber and Jip van den Toorn and a spectacular and hilarious competition of the Gladiatori del Arte.
And of course beer.
Thanks sweet gladiators and visitors. It was so much fun 👯🍻🏆🎉
Wobby #10 Launch
Hooray! We're launching Wobby #10, the theme is Assistenza Stradale.
Guest artists:
Twan van Bragt, BURNBJOERN, Jeroen Funke, Nick Liefhebber, Davide Bart. Salvemini, Jip van den Toorn, Andrew Tseng en Daan Heerma Van Voss.
July 21, 20:30 at NS16, NS Plein 16, Tilburg
Check the Facebook event
(Dutch only)
Wobby’s Grote Vakantie Festijn
Lancering Wobby 10 ‘Assistenza Stradale’
21 juli NS16 Tilburg
Ahhh de zomer!
Iedereen weet dat vakantie niet alleen maar ijsjes eten, naar blonde spetters lonken en aan cocktails lurken is. Er gaat gelukkig ook wel eens iets mis.
Op vrijdagavond 21 juli is het Tilburgse NS16 in zomerse sferen tijdens de lancering van het tiende nummer van het beste blad van het heelal: Wobby. Het thema van deze editie is ‘Assistenza Stradale’. Voor wie nog nooit autopech in Italië heeft gehad: Assistenza Stradale is de Italiaanse wegenhulp en diende als inspiratiebron voor de tekenaars en schrijvers van deze zomerse Wobby-editie.
Wobby.club (Jeroen de Leijer, Marjolein Schalk en Steppie Lloyd Trumpstein) ging voor dit nummer over de grens en vroeg nationale en internationale schrijvers en tekenaars een bijdrage te leveren: Twan van Bragt, BURNBJOERN, Jeroen Funke, Nick Liefhebber, Davide Bart. Salvemini, Jip van den Toorn, Andrew Tseng en Daan Heerma Van Voss.
Vrijdagavond 21 juli kun je voor of na een kermisbezoek (om de hoek) getuige zijn van de eerste ‘Wobby Gladiatori del Arte': een Groots Spektakel waar gladiatoren elkaar met viltstiften te lijf gaan.
Voor de broodnodige introspectie is er een Kenjezelf Kit Gesprek door Jeroen de Leijer, er zijn meeslepende korte films van Jip van den Toorn en Roel Sloot en Twan van Bragt draagt zijn tragikomische verhaal voor. DJ Dieter laat ons de meest zomerse deuntjes horen (dansen mag) en het bier staat koud en is goedkoper dan een suikerspin.
- Datum: Vrijdag 21 juli
- Aanvang: 20.30 uur.
- Locatie: NS16, NS Plein 16, Tilburg (ingang achterom via witte poort Goudenregenstraat)
- Entree: Gratis
- Kijk voor actuele info op het Facebook event
Radio WobTit
Wobby #9 will be launched Saturday April 1st at Tilt Festival, the biggest literary festival of the South of the Netherlands.
Together with De Titaan Wobby.club will host Radio WobTit, a live radio show with interviews with a.o. artist Paul Bogaers and writer Maartje Wortel, a radiocolumn by Gerjon Gijsbers (all guests of Wobby #9) and the famous Wobby Masterclass. Also live in the studio: Herman Brusselmans, De Optimist en Menno Wigman.
Join us at the Radio WobTit studio, located at the Tilt office.
Saturday April 1
20:00 - 23:00
De NWE Vorst
Willem II Straat 49
5038 BD Tilburg
Or listen and watch live via the Tilt Facebook page, the Wobby.club Youtube channel or via the homepage of www.wobby.club.
Come and live in Tilburg!
You will receive the Wobby special WobTit we made in collaboration with De Titaan, commissioned by Tilburg Citymarketing, a Risograph printed magazine about Tilburg in an edition of 1500.
With stories, comics and illustrations by Jeroen de Leijer, Marjolein Schalk, Anneroos Goosen, S.L. Trumpstein, Berry van Oudheusden, Frank van Pamelen, Bart Smout, Martijn Neggers, Thomas Waterreus, Michiel Van de Pol, Sigrid Calon, Joubert Pignon, Delphine Lecompte, John Körmeling, Nastia Cistakova, Bobbi Oskam, Martijn Moedars @moedars, Jip Piet, Aart-Jan Venema, Maia Matches en Anne Stalinski.
Wobby Wonderland
From December 9th until December 11th Studio De Leijer/Wobby.club organised the first edition of Wobby Wonderland as part of the Tilburg-based festival Incubate.
It took place at our homebase NS16 in Tilburg. Activities included a.o lectures, a zine/comicfair and the launch of the first edition of Wobby in English!
Omroep Tilburg did a report on it (Dutch only).
Wobby Wonderland at Incubate
From December 9th until December 11th Wobby.club will be organising the first edition of Wobby Wonderland as part of the Tilburg-based festival Incubate.
It will take place at our homebase NS16 in Tilburg. Activities will include lectures, a zine/comicfair and the launch of the first edition of Wobby in English!
Brabants Dagblad wrote about the event.
For more info and updates click here.
Feature It's Nice That
We're so happy: a feature on It's Nice That!
PR for hometown Tilburg with this headline:
Tilburg-based Studio de Leijer makes us chuckle with bonkers magazine Wobby
(Dutch only)
We vieren met Wobby.club de verjaardag van dada op vrijdagavond 5 februari in Theater De NWE Vorst Tilburg. Verder feesten oa met ons mee Ulrike Doszmann, Leonard Bedaux, Luk Sponselee, Jacq Palinckx en andere fuifnummers, dit alles o.l.v. Productiehuis prod.nu.
Kom je ook? Je wordt niet thuisgebracht.
Na dit partijtje kun je je nml. elders in het gewone carnavalsfeestgedruis storten.
Theater De NWE Vorst
WillemII-straat 49 5038 BD Tilburg
5 februari
20:00 uur