The fourteenth issue of Wobby will be launched on Friday 29 June at 20:00 during 'Wobby Labyrinth' in NS16 in Tilburg.
Mark with a cross where applicable.
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On Friday evening, June 29, we’ll launch the fourteenth issue of the best magazine in the universe: Wobby. The theme of this English issue is ‘Labyrinth'. (Jeroen de Leijer, Marjolein Schalk and Steppie Lloyd Trumpstein) searched for national and international writers and artists and found the following participants for Wobby #14:
L.H. Wiener, A.H.J. Dautzenberg, Joost Pollmann, Nick Liefhebber, Wayne Horse, Laurent Impeduglia, Jasmine ter Stege, Youri Alvites and Zane Zlemeša.
When the walls are closing in on you at home, you can wander around in the dead-end alleys of NS16 during Wobby Labyrinth. Unanswered questions and loose ends await your answers. Jeroen de Leijer will interview writer L.H. Wiener, there will be LIVE drawing and of course music and beer.
Friday June 29
20.00 uur
NS16, NS Plein 16, Tilburg
Free entrance
Cover Wobby #14 by Nick Liefhebber