Wobby X Tilt

It's Boekenweek in the Netherlands!
We’re teaming up with Tilt festival on Saturday March 17th with a lot of great artists and writers, who will also appear in Wobby #13.

More info about our program here and here.

(Dutch only)

Wobby.club heeft speciaal voor en i.s.m. Tilt (hét boekenbal van Tilburg) een programma samengesteld, vol met beeldverhalen.
Zaterdag 17 maart vanaf 20:00 uur
Locatie : De Nwe Vorst in Tilburg

De cover van Wobby #13 door Lukas Verstraete

De cover van Wobby #13 door Lukas Verstraete

Grote zaal:
‘Stripprofessor’ Joost Pollmann gaat met tekenaars Bobbi Oskam, Michiel van de Pol en Lukas Verstraete in gesprek over 'vertellen/verbeelden'.


Kleine zaal:
LIVE radio met Radio WobTit i.s.m. De Titaan. Te gast zijn o.a. schrijvers Annemarie de Gee, Marc van der Holst, Delphine Lecompte. Lukas Verstraete, Michiel van de Pol en Sanne Boekel tekenen LIVE de geheimen van het publiek. 

Micha Wertheim, die in de grote zaal ‘Echt Gebeurd’ presenteert, heeft tijdens Radio WobTit een Kenjezelf Kit gesprek met Jeroen de Leijer. 

Henk van Straten wordt geïnterviewd en Lieke Marsman leest voor met muzikale begeleiding van I am Oak. 
Radiohost is Jeroen de Leijer, interviewer is Lukas Meijsen. 

We lanceren Wobby #13, met oa een intieme cover van Lukas Verstraete, strips (Michiel van de Pol, Eefje Wentelteefje) en gedichten (Delphine Lecompte).

Tasje met ontwerp Jeroen de Leijer

Tasje met ontwerp Jeroen de Leijer

Tasje met ontwerp Eva Stalinski & Jan Hamstra

Tasje met ontwerp Eva Stalinski & Jan Hamstra

Tekenaars Eva Stalinski en Jan Hamstra staan klaar om op jouw t-shirt / tasje / zakdoek hun eigen ontwerp te zeefdrukken.

Koop hier je tickets!

Wobby's New Year's Deception

WOBBY.club will help you make it through 2018

Wobby.club is hosting a New Year's Deception to start the new year. The day before *Blue Monday you can prepare yourself at Wobby's New Year's Deception in NS16 Tilburg for things to come.

*the most depressing day of the year

Raise your glass with us to 2018, half full or half empty, that doesn’t matter.


  • Puppet show diva Eefje Wentelteefje looks back on 2017
  • Motivational coach Rens Tomala will help you get the new year started
  • Jeroen de Leijer will have a Kenjezelf Kit talk with illustrator Floor Rieder who made work for Wobby # 12
  • Listen to stories from the Anekdote Jukebox and watch movies by Leonard Bedaux
  • Be part of the gesammtkunstwerk of artist Piet Vlekkie
  • Juliet Gagnon will recite the story she wrote for Wobby #12
  • Become a Wobby.club member and receive a free Wobby totebag!
  • Wobby.club members can swap their Wobby Points for Risograph printed products
  • And much more


  • Sunday January 15:00 - 18:00

    (door open 15:00 - start 15:30)

  • NS16

  • NS Plein 16, Tilburg

  • Free entrance  

Current info here


Order Wobby #12 here


Cover Wobby #12 by John Broadley

Cover Wobby #12 by John Broadley

Work by Floor Rieder

Work by Floor Rieder

Story by Juliet Gagnon, illustrated by Jeroen de Leijer

Story by Juliet Gagnon, illustrated by Jeroen de Leijer

Kenjezelf Kit cards by Jeroen de Leijer

Kenjezelf Kit cards by Jeroen de Leijer

Wobby.club in Museum 't Oude Slot

(scroll down for English)

Werk van Wobby.club-oprichters Marjolein Schalk, Jeroen de Leijer en Stephan de Weert aka S.L. Trumpstein is van 23 december tot en met 27 mei 2018 te zien op de groepsexpositie 'Over Volksprenten en actuele beeldtaal' in Museum 't Oude Slot in Veldhoven.

Het museum heeft een bijzondere collectie volksprenten uit de periode 17e tot en met begin 20e eeuw. Op de tentoonstelling worden de oude én de nieuwe prenten gecombineerd. Alle kunstenaars zijn leden van de onlangs opgerichte kunstsociëteit ‘In den witten handschoen’.

Omroep Brabant maakte een reportage over de expositie. 

Hier is een artikel te vinden uit het Eindhovens Dagblad.


Work by Wobby.club founders Marjolein Schalk, Jeroen de Leijer and Stephan de Weert aka S.L. Trumpstein is featured at the groupshow 'Over Volksprenten en actuele beeldtaal' in Museum 't Oude Slot in Veldhoven. The museum owns a extraordinary collection of prints from the 16th - early 20th century.

Series of screenprints by Jeroen de Leijer and Stephan de Weert - Photo: L-Mount Media

Series of screenprints by Jeroen de Leijer and Stephan de Weert - Photo: L-Mount Media

Risoprints by Marjolein Schalk - Photo: L-Mount Media

Risoprints by Marjolein Schalk - Photo: L-Mount Media


Eindhovens Dagblad 4-1-18

Order Wobby #12 now!

If you fear Christmas and want something to look forward to: order yourself a copy of the new English issue 'Fear my dear'. The fantastic cover by John Broadley alone is worth it, and you're worth it too (yes, you are).

>>>>>>>>> Order your copy here <<<<<<<<<

Work by John Broadley

Work by John Broadley

Work by Joakim Drescher

Work by Joakim Drescher

Work by Floor Rieder

Work by Floor Rieder

The theme of this issue is ‘Fear my dear’, so you have to be a brave person to read it.
Wobby #12 features unique work by:

Camille Bertagna (FR), John Broadley (UK), Joakim Drescher (DK), Hanna van Dun (BE), Felicity Fenton (US), Juliet Gagnon (US/NL), Jeroen de Leijer (NL), Floor Rieder (NL), Marjolein Schalk (NL), Steppie Lloyd Trumpstein (NL)

>>>>>>>>> Order your copy here <<<<<<<<<

Wobby on Sampler

This week Wobby #12 will be offered through Sampler by Stack Magazines!

You will be able to order our new issue – the English edition 'Fear my dear' – saving 10% off the cover price and with free shipping (to the UK, EU and USA, and subsidised shipping everywhere else).

Check Sampler on how to order!

Wobby #12 - cover: John Broadley

Wobby #12 - cover: John Broadley

Interview Neon Moiré

The Wobby.club team was interviewed at Graphic Matters by Neon Moiré about our project De Halve Waarheid.

Neon Moiré is a curated event guide of the world's most interesting design conferences and events on our digitized world. In partnership with Graphic Matters, Neon Moiré was present at the festival, bringing a special serie of interviews with researchers, designers and thinkers who presented their work during the graphic design festival.

Radio WobTit at Graphic Matters

On October 1st we will launch the new issue of Wobby at festival Graphic Matters during Radio WobTit, where you can meet the artists of the project The Half Truth.

Listen to the show from your couch, the football field or with your parents-in-law, as the radio show will be live broadcasted through Wobby’s website and on Graphic Matter's and Wobby’s Facebook pages.


On Sunday October 1st,  Graphic Matters will be transformed into a radio station. Hear how Wobby and De Titaan make live radio from the festival location between 15:00 and 17:00. The radio show is a result of project and exhibition The Half Truth (De Halve Waarheid).

(Comic) illustrator Jeroen de Leijer will present the show along with Mat Wijn (known from Radio Bergeijk and De Avonden). The radio show will be broadcasted LIVE on Wobby’s website and through Graphic Matters' and Wobby’s Facebook pages. But, you’re also more than welcome to join the festival and see and hear the broadcast with your own eyes and ears! Many guests will be present. Other than The Half Truth participants there will be writers and illustrators from the Wobby #11 magazine, which will launch that afternoon. With the title ‘Daarom!’ (Thát’s Why!) the statement will answer a lot of questions in this confusing time.

Cover by Jan Hamstra

Cover by Jan Hamstra

In the broadcast Lukas Meijsen, editor of De Titaan, interviews Christiaan Weijts about the future of porn. Anneroos Goosen, chief editor of De Titaan, talks to Nick J. Swarth about his activism. Jeroen de Leijer starts a dialogue with Dennis Elbers, Graphic Matters' creative director, with the help of cards from De Kenjezelf Kit. In addition the Moral Weather forecast will be taken care of by Anton Dautzenberg.

In between interviews, illustrator Jip Piet makes live music and Sanne Boekel takes care of illustrated commentary. You as a listener can join the Wobby Masterclass and maybe you will win a Half Award of the The Half Truth Quiz.

This event is freely accessible

More information here.

Sunday October 1st, 15.00 - 17.00
Festival Graphic Matters
Chassé Kazerne – Parade 12, Breda

De halve waarheid at Graphic Matters 2017

Festival Graphic Matters has begun! And so did our project De Halve Waarheid / The Half Truth.
We already had a great start with the first of 5 weekends where will be present and doing our best at the festival.


Every weekend of the festival you can join us and make your own pamphlet with our Risograph (stencil) printer. A pamphlet is always printed on both sides, a pro on one side and a con on the other side. You are responsible for the distribution of the pamphlet. The opposite messages spread confusion and instigate debate outside of your trusted social media bubble.

More information on who will be present during the workshops here.


Breda's hottest newsroom starts as an exhibition of 12 riso posters made by six duo's of artists and writers. Together they visualize the pros and cons of current dilemmas. The arguments are so damn good that the dilemma's never get resolved and the only thing left for you to do is to buy these limited prints to hang over your bed.


The Half Truth posters are made by artists Jan Hamstra, Jeroen de Leijer, Maia Matches, Bobbi Oskam, Jip Piet, Steppie Lloyd Trumpstein and writers Anton Dautzenberg, Joke Hermsen, Ted van Lieshout, Nick J. Swarth, Christiaan Weijts and Micha Wertheim.

The 6 sets of posters are for sale at the festival shop in a limited edition of 50 per poster, so grab them while you can! Risograph printed on A2 format by Knust Press Nijmegen.

On October 1st we will launch the new issue of Wobby at the festival during Radio WobTit, where you can meet the artists of the project.

De Halve Waarheid
22 sept. -  22 okt.
Zondag 1 oktober 15.00 - 17.00 uur : Radio WobTit
Festival Graphic Matters
Chassé kazerne - Parade 12 Breda


This project was made possible thanks to the support of Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie



WIELS Art Book Fair 2017

Wobby.club will be present at WIELS Art Book Fair 2017 in Brussels, Belgium on Saturday 09.09 & Sunday 10.09.2017.


WIELS organizes for the third time in September the WIELS Art Book Fair presenting over 50 artists, publishers & collectors who offer art books, artists’ books, photo books, catalogues, periodicals & other printed matter to the public. On Saturday and Sunday, a complementary programme of presentations, lectures and other related events will be presented. 

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

WIELS Art Book Fair 2017

Opening: Friday 08.09.2017, 18:00-21:00
Open: Saturday 09.09 & Sunday 10.09.2017, 11:00-18:00


☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

WIELS, Centrum voor Hedendaagse Kunst
Van Volxemlaan 354
1190 Brussel